Bilgi iletişim teknolojilerindeki hızlı gelişmeler, süratle yayılan haber ve veriler dünyayı adeta küçük bir köy haline getirmiş, internet sayesinde e-devlet, e-ticaret, e-yayın ve e-eğitim gibi uygulamalar yaygınlık kazanmış ve insanlara sunulan hizmetin hızı ve kalitesi artmıştır. Ancak tuzaklarla dolu bu sanal âlemde “dijital okur-yazarlık bilincine” sahip olmayan insanlar büyük datanın “küçük verisi”, dijital endüstrinin “nesnesi/kölesi” ve sanal heveslerin “tutsağı” olmaktan da kurtulamamışlardır.Bilgisayar, akıllı telefon, internet ve sosyal medya imkânlarının yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte dijital mecralarda pek çok asılsız haberin yanı sıra mesnetsiz dinî bilgiler de dolaşıma sokulmuş ve büyük sosyo-kültürel değişimler yaşanmıştır. Bu bakımdan toplumsal gelişmeleri yakından takip etmek ve halkı dinî konularda aydınlatmakla görevli Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’na ve bu kuruma eleman yetiştiren İHL, İlahiyat/İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri’ne önemli görevler düşmektedir. Bu itibarla DİB sunduğu hizmetin, eğitim kurumları da müfredatlarının içeriğini yeniden gözden geçirmek durumundadır. Çünkü “dijital görsel/yazılı/sesli” yayınlarda ortaya konulan çarpık tasavvurlar, İslâm’dan hazzetmeyen çevrelerin maksatlı olarak üretip dolaşıma soktukları kafa karıştırıcı ve şüphe uyandırıcı bilgileri muhtevi video ve görseller ve bilinçsizce paylaşılan uydurma hadisler İslâm’ın yanlış tanıtılmasına, Müslümanların Allah, peygamber, ahiret, kader, dua, tevekkül, rızık vs. anlayışlarının bozulmasına yol açmış, bütün bunlardan olumsuz etkilenen bazı kesimler de İslâm ile aralarına mesafe koymuşlardır.Bu makalede dijitalleşmenin birey ve toplum hayatına müspet ve menfî etkilerine, dijital dünyadaki uydurma hadislerin Müslümanların din algısına verdiği zararlara ve bu tür mevzû hadislerle mücadele yöntemleri konusundaki tartışmalara yer verilmiştir. Makalenin temel amacı dijital platformlarda dolaşıma sokulan uydurma hadislerin zararlarını ortadan kaldırmak için siyasal otorite, yetkisini Anayasa’dan alan DİB ve Müslümanlara düşen görevleri ele almak ve bu konudaki yöntem tartışmalarını değerlendirmektir. Bu mevzularla alakalı akademik çalışmaların kemiyet ve keyfiyet bakımından azlığı makalenin yazılma nedenidir. Çalışma sonunda dijital dünyada dolaşıma sokulan uydurma hadislerin zararlarını bertaraf etmek için güvenilir dinî bilgilerin “dijital görsel/yazılı/sesli” materyallerle desteklenerek sosyal medya ortamlarında paylaşılmasının, mevzû hadisleri yayanlara karşı fikrî mücadeleye ilave olarak hukukî mücadele de yürütülmesinin gerekliliği sonucuna ulaş
Rapid developments in information communication technologies and fast-spreading news and data have turned the world into a place as if it were a small village. Through the Internet, applications such as e-government, and e-learning have become popular, and the quality and speed of service provided for people have increased. However, the people who do not have “digital literacy consciousness” in this cyber world that is full of traps have not got away from being “little data” of the big data, “object” of the digital industry, and “captive” of digital desires.
In the digital media, baseless religious information has also been circulated in addition to a lot of baseless news with the spread of opportunities of computer, smartphone, the Internet, and social media, and significant socio-cultural changes have happened. From this point of view, the Directorate of Religious Affairs, which is responsible for following social developments closely and enlightening people about religious issues, and the Religious High School and Faculties of Theology, which train personnel for this institution, have crucial duties. In this respect, the Directorate of Religious Affairs is in the position of checking again the content of the service they provide, and the educational institutions have also the duty of recontrolling the content of the curriculum. For the reason that crooked plans appeared in the “digital visual/written/audio” publications, videos and visuals including confusing and suspicious information that the communities who do not like Islam intentionally produce and circulate, and fabricated hadith shared blindly have caused that Islam has been misrepresented and Muslims understanding of Allah, the prophet, timeless existence (ahiret), fate (kader), pray (dua), hope, livelyhood, and so on has been disrupted. Some people who have been negatively affected from all these events have stayed away from Islam. This article addressed the positive and negative impacts of digitalization on the life of individuals and society, damages that fabricated hadith caused in the religious perception of Muslims, and discussions on the ways of struggling with these kinds of fabricated hadith. The main purpose of the article was to deal with the duties of political authority, the Directorate of Religious Affairs empowered by the Constitution, and Muslims in order to eliminate the damages of fabricated hadith circulated in the digital platforms, and to evaluate the method discussions on this issue. The scarcity of academic studies on these issues in terms of quantity and quality is the reason for writing the article. At the end of the study, it was concluded the necessity of credible religious information, sharing this information in social media environments through supporting it with “digital visual/written/audio” materials, and also carrying out a legal struggle together with an intellectual struggle against the ones circulating fabricated hadiths in order to eliminate the damage of fabricated hadith circulated in the digital world. Similarly, it was remarked on the importance of religious officials with digital competence sharing “accurate and credible religious information that receives the approval of High Board of Religious Affairs” and warning the Muslims against the negative influence of fabricated hadiths through actively using especially social media environments. The significance of establishing a “site or mobile application” collecting together fabricated hadiths circulated in virtual environments and raising public awareness through revealing fabricated hadiths by the Department of Digital Broadcasts was emphasised. The importance of religious officials (mufti, preacher, imam, muezzin, religious services expert, and so on) instilling consciousness of “asking the source and correctness of hadiths” among the Muslims in tv and radio programs, preachings or Friday sermons and expressing the an appropriateness of sharing “without indicating the source and correctness of hadiths” just as it is not possible to share “meaning of the verse” without giving sura and verse number was pointed out. The significance of the High Board of Religious Affairs preparing “valid, credible, and persuasive information” about fabricated hadiths in order for the youth not to be alienated from religion and be captivated by invalid ideologies and deviant religious movements, all the staff members working in the Directorate of Religious Affairs sharing this information in the social media environments, and the youth creating “social awareness” by circulating these materials in different platforms was emphasised. ...
Hadith Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Directorate of Religious Affairs Digital world Social media .
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Religion, Society and Culture Studies |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2023 |
Acceptance Date | June 21, 2023 |
Published in Issue | Year 2023Volume: 23 Issue: 1 |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.