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Akademik Bir Disiplin Olarak Misyoloji’nin Tarihçesi

Yıl 2010, , 27 - 41, 30.09.2010


Misyoloji, misyon fenomenini, teorik ve pratik tüm yönleriyle ele alan, Hıristiyanlığı yayma işine yön veren prensip ve kuralların bilimsel olarak araştırıldığı ve bu doğrultuda verilerin ortaya konulduğu disiplindir. Kökleri XIII. yüzyıla kadar geri götürülmekle birlikte Misyoloji, XIX. yüzyılın sonunda otonom bir disiplin hüviyeti kazanabilmiştir. XX. yüzyılın ilk yarısına kadar daha ziyade Almanya, Hollanda, İtalya, İskandinav ülkeleri ve Kuzey Amerika’da revaç gören ve buralardaki teoloji okulları, seminerler ve üniversitelerde kendine yer bulan Misyoloji, yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren sadece Batı’da değil, Asya ve Afrika’daki okullarda da kendine yer bulmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada Misyoloji’nin otonom bir disiplin olarak ortaya çıkışı, gelişimi ve üniversitelerde kendine yer bulma süreci özetlenmektedir.


  • Barth, Karl (2004). Church Dogmatics, I.2: The Doctrine of the Word of God, London and New York: T&T Clark International.
  • Beaver, R. Pearce (1976). “The American Pretestant Theological Seminary and Missions: An Historical Survey”, Missiology: An International Review, 4/1, ss. 75-87.
  • Bevans, Stephen B. (2000). “Schmidlin, Josef”, Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, A. Scott Moreau (ed.), Grand Rapids Michigan: Baker Book House, s. 856.
  • Bosch, David J. (2004). Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, Maryknoll New York: Orbis Books, 2004.
  • Bowen, Roger (1996). So I Send You: A Study Guide to Mission, London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
  • Braaten, Carl E. (1977). The Flaming Center: A Theology of the Christian Mission, Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
  • Buono, Giuseppe (2006). Missiology: Theology and Praxis, Marco Bagnarol (trans.), Nairobi: Paulines Publication Africa.
  • Duff, Alexander (1867). Evangelistic Theology. An Inaugural Address Delivered in the Common Hall of the New College, Edinburgh, on Thursday, 7 th November 1867, Edinburgh: John Johnstone.
  • Fiedler, Klaus (2000). “Warneck, Gustav”, Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, A. Scott Moreau (ed.), Grand Rapids Michigan: Baker Book House, s. 1006.
  • Hogg, William Richey (1987). “The Teaching of Missiology: Some Reflections on the Historical and Current Scene”, Missiology: An International Review, 15/4, ss. 487-506.
  • Holsten, W. (1971). “Warneck, Gustav”, Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission, Stephen Neill, Gerald H. Anderson, John Goodwin (ed.), London: Lutterworth Press, London: Lutter Worth Press, ss. 643-644.
  • Jongeneel, Jan A. B. (2002). Philosophy, Science and Theology of Mission in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Part I: The Philosophy and Science of Mission, Berlin: Peter Lang.
  • Kasdorf, Hans (1980). “The Legacy of Gustav Warneck”, Occasional Bulletin, 4/3, ss. 102-107.
  • Kasdorf, Hans (1994a). “Gustav Warneck (1834-1910): Founder of the Scholarly Study of Missions”, Mission Legacies: Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement, Gerald H. Anderson vd. (ed.), Maryknoll: Orbis Books, ss. 373-382.
  • Kasdorf, Hans (1994b). “Current State of Missiology: Reflections on Twenty-five Years 1968-1993”, Direction, 23/1, ss. 61-81.
  • Muller, Karl (1980). “The Legacy of Joseph Schmidlin”, Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research, 4/3, ss. 109-113.
  • Muller, Karl (1994).”Joseph Schmidlin (1876-1944): Pioneer of Catholic Missiology, Mission Legacies: Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement, Gerald H. Anderson vd. (ed.), Maryknoll: Orbis Books, ss. 402-409.
  • Myklebust, Olav Guttorm (1955–57). The Study of Missions in Theological Education, Oslo: Egede Institutet, 2 cilt.
  • Neill, Stephen C. (1970). “The History of Missions: An Academic Discipline”, Studies in Church History: The Mission of and the Propagation of the Faith, G. J. Cuming (ed.), London: Cambridge University Press, 1970, VI, ss. 149-170.
  • Oborji, Francis Anekwe (2005). Concepts of Mission in The Evolution of Contemporary Missiology, Rome: Ceedee Publications.
  • Paton, William (1922). Alexander Duff: Pioneer of Missionary Education, New York: George H. Doran Company.
  • Scherer, A. James (1985). “The Future of Missiology as an Academic Discipline in Seminary Education: An Attempt at Reinterpretation and Clarification”, Missiology: An International Review, 13/4, ss. 445-460.
  • Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1830). Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums, Berlin.
  • Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1850). Brief Outline of the Study of Theology, trans. William Farrer, Edinburgh: T & T Clark.
  • Schlunk, Martin (1934). “Gustav Warneck”, International Review of Missions, vol. 23, ss. 395-404.
  • Schmidlin, Joseph (1925). Einführung in die Missionswissenschaft, Münster: Verlag der Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung.
  • Schmidlin, Joseph (1933). Catholic Mission Theory, Matthias Braun (trans.), Techny IL: Mission Press.
  • Seumois, Andrew V. (1961). “The Evolution of Mission Theology among Roman Catholics”, The Theology of the Christian Mission, Gerald H. Anderson (ed.), New York, ss. 122-134.
  • Smith, George (1879). The Life of Alexander Duff, New York: A.C. Armstrong & Son, vol. II.
  • Turan, Süleyman (2010). Misyon’dan Misyoloji’ye: Misyoloji’nin Hıristiyan Misyon Anlayışına Katkıları, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, SBE, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Samsun.
  • Ustorf, Werner (2001). Sailing on the Next Tide: Missions, Missiology, and the Third Reich, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Pub. Inc.
  • Van Rheenen, Gailyn (1996). Missions: Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Strategies, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House.
  • Verkuyl, Johannes (1978). Contemporary Missiology: An Introduction, Dale Cooper (trans. and edit.), Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
  • Warneck, Gustav (1892-1903). Evangelische Missionslehre: Ein Missionstheoretischer Versuch, Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Berthes, 5. cilt.

History of Missiology as an Academic Discipline

Yıl 2010, , 27 - 41, 30.09.2010


Missiology is the academic discipline, which deals with the mission phenomenon from the theoretical and practical points of view, and it researches and records the principles and rules, which govern the work of spreading the Christianity to the whole world and in this direction produces data. Missiology became an autonomous discipline in the end of the 19th century, although its origins can be brought back to 13th century. Until the first half of 20th century, this discipline became popular in Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Scandinavian Countries and North America, and after that it began to gain a position in the theology faculties and seminaries not only in the West but also in Asia and Africa. In this study, it is tried to summarize up the appearance of Missiology as an autonomous discipline, as well as its development and the process of being part of theological curriculum in universities.


  • Barth, Karl (2004). Church Dogmatics, I.2: The Doctrine of the Word of God, London and New York: T&T Clark International.
  • Beaver, R. Pearce (1976). “The American Pretestant Theological Seminary and Missions: An Historical Survey”, Missiology: An International Review, 4/1, ss. 75-87.
  • Bevans, Stephen B. (2000). “Schmidlin, Josef”, Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, A. Scott Moreau (ed.), Grand Rapids Michigan: Baker Book House, s. 856.
  • Bosch, David J. (2004). Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, Maryknoll New York: Orbis Books, 2004.
  • Bowen, Roger (1996). So I Send You: A Study Guide to Mission, London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
  • Braaten, Carl E. (1977). The Flaming Center: A Theology of the Christian Mission, Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
  • Buono, Giuseppe (2006). Missiology: Theology and Praxis, Marco Bagnarol (trans.), Nairobi: Paulines Publication Africa.
  • Duff, Alexander (1867). Evangelistic Theology. An Inaugural Address Delivered in the Common Hall of the New College, Edinburgh, on Thursday, 7 th November 1867, Edinburgh: John Johnstone.
  • Fiedler, Klaus (2000). “Warneck, Gustav”, Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, A. Scott Moreau (ed.), Grand Rapids Michigan: Baker Book House, s. 1006.
  • Hogg, William Richey (1987). “The Teaching of Missiology: Some Reflections on the Historical and Current Scene”, Missiology: An International Review, 15/4, ss. 487-506.
  • Holsten, W. (1971). “Warneck, Gustav”, Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission, Stephen Neill, Gerald H. Anderson, John Goodwin (ed.), London: Lutterworth Press, London: Lutter Worth Press, ss. 643-644.
  • Jongeneel, Jan A. B. (2002). Philosophy, Science and Theology of Mission in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Part I: The Philosophy and Science of Mission, Berlin: Peter Lang.
  • Kasdorf, Hans (1980). “The Legacy of Gustav Warneck”, Occasional Bulletin, 4/3, ss. 102-107.
  • Kasdorf, Hans (1994a). “Gustav Warneck (1834-1910): Founder of the Scholarly Study of Missions”, Mission Legacies: Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement, Gerald H. Anderson vd. (ed.), Maryknoll: Orbis Books, ss. 373-382.
  • Kasdorf, Hans (1994b). “Current State of Missiology: Reflections on Twenty-five Years 1968-1993”, Direction, 23/1, ss. 61-81.
  • Muller, Karl (1980). “The Legacy of Joseph Schmidlin”, Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research, 4/3, ss. 109-113.
  • Muller, Karl (1994).”Joseph Schmidlin (1876-1944): Pioneer of Catholic Missiology, Mission Legacies: Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement, Gerald H. Anderson vd. (ed.), Maryknoll: Orbis Books, ss. 402-409.
  • Myklebust, Olav Guttorm (1955–57). The Study of Missions in Theological Education, Oslo: Egede Institutet, 2 cilt.
  • Neill, Stephen C. (1970). “The History of Missions: An Academic Discipline”, Studies in Church History: The Mission of and the Propagation of the Faith, G. J. Cuming (ed.), London: Cambridge University Press, 1970, VI, ss. 149-170.
  • Oborji, Francis Anekwe (2005). Concepts of Mission in The Evolution of Contemporary Missiology, Rome: Ceedee Publications.
  • Paton, William (1922). Alexander Duff: Pioneer of Missionary Education, New York: George H. Doran Company.
  • Scherer, A. James (1985). “The Future of Missiology as an Academic Discipline in Seminary Education: An Attempt at Reinterpretation and Clarification”, Missiology: An International Review, 13/4, ss. 445-460.
  • Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1830). Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums, Berlin.
  • Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1850). Brief Outline of the Study of Theology, trans. William Farrer, Edinburgh: T & T Clark.
  • Schlunk, Martin (1934). “Gustav Warneck”, International Review of Missions, vol. 23, ss. 395-404.
  • Schmidlin, Joseph (1925). Einführung in die Missionswissenschaft, Münster: Verlag der Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung.
  • Schmidlin, Joseph (1933). Catholic Mission Theory, Matthias Braun (trans.), Techny IL: Mission Press.
  • Seumois, Andrew V. (1961). “The Evolution of Mission Theology among Roman Catholics”, The Theology of the Christian Mission, Gerald H. Anderson (ed.), New York, ss. 122-134.
  • Smith, George (1879). The Life of Alexander Duff, New York: A.C. Armstrong & Son, vol. II.
  • Turan, Süleyman (2010). Misyon’dan Misyoloji’ye: Misyoloji’nin Hıristiyan Misyon Anlayışına Katkıları, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, SBE, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Samsun.
  • Ustorf, Werner (2001). Sailing on the Next Tide: Missions, Missiology, and the Third Reich, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Pub. Inc.
  • Van Rheenen, Gailyn (1996). Missions: Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Strategies, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House.
  • Verkuyl, Johannes (1978). Contemporary Missiology: An Introduction, Dale Cooper (trans. and edit.), Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
  • Warneck, Gustav (1892-1903). Evangelische Missionslehre: Ein Missionstheoretischer Versuch, Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Berthes, 5. cilt.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Süleyman Turan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Turan, Süleyman. “Akademik Bir Disiplin Olarak Misyoloji’nin Tarihçesi”. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi 10/2 (Eylül 2010), 27-41.