Araştırma Makalesi
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Yüksek Din Öğretiminde Okul Terki

Yıl 2019, , 593 - 616, 31.12.2019


Okul terki, öğrenciler ve eğitim kurumları için önemli sosyal, ekonomik, psikolojik ve kültürel sonuçları olabilen bir sorundur. Bu araştırmada yüksek din öğretimi kurumlarında okul terki sorunu ele alınmış, öğrenci ve öğretim elemanlarının olası çözüm önerilerine de yer verilmiştir. Fenomenolojik desende tasarlanan araştırmanın çalışma grubu, 2019-2020 öğretim yılı güz döneminde Türkiye’nin yedi coğrafi bölgesinde yer alan (Ankara, Marmara, İstanbul, Çukurova, Dicle, Uludağ, Atatürk, Muş Alparslan, Ondokuz Mayıs ve Dokuz Eylül Üniversiteleri) ilahiyat/İslam İlimler Fakültelerinde öğrenim gören 36 öğrenci ile aynı üniversitelerde görev yapan 11 öğretim üyesinden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma grubunun belirlemek için amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden biri olan ölçüt örneklemesi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, öğrenciler istihdam olanaklarının fazla olması ve aile yönlendirmesiyle ilahiyat programlarını tercih etmektedir. Ayrıca okul terki fakültelerin ilk yıllarında yaygın olarak görülmektedir. Okul terki yapan öğrencilerin lisede akademik başarıları ve sosyal uyumları düşüktür. Öğrenciler akademik başarısızlık, akademik ve sosyal çevreye uyum sorunları, maddi sorunlar, sağlık sorunları ve inanç çatışmalarına bağlı sorunlar nedeniyle okulu terk etmektedir. Din eğitimi literatürüne yeni ve farklı bir tartışma alanı kazandırma gayretindeki bu çalışmanın, sürdürülebilir din eğitim politikalarının belirlenmesi hususunda din eğitimi literatürüne katkı sunacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Aljohani, Othman. “A Comprehensive Review of the Major Studies and Theoretical Models of Student Retention in Higher Education”. Higher Education Studies 6/2 (2016): 1-18.
  • Baltacı, Ali. “Nitel Araştırmalarda Örnekleme Yöntemleri ve Örnek Hacmi Sorunsalı Üzerine Kavramsal Bir İnceleme”. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 7/1 (2018): 231–274.
  • Baltacı, Ali. “Nitel veri analizinde Miles-Huberman modeli”. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 3/1 (2017): 1-15.
  • Burke, Adam. “Student Retention Models in Higher Education: A Literature Review”. College and University 94/2 (2019): 12-21.
  • Bülbül, Tuncer. “Yükseköğretimde okul terki: Nedenler ve çözümler”. Eğitim ve Bilim 37/166 (2012): 219-235.
  • Cabus, Sofie J. - De Witte, Kristof. “Why Do Students Leave Education Early? Theory and Evidence on High School Dropout Rates”. Journal of Forecasting 35/8 (2016): 690-702.
  • Christle, Christine A. - Jolivette, Kristine - Nelson, C. Michael. “School Characteristics Related to High School Dropout Rates”. Remedial and Special education 28/6 (2007): 325-339.
  • Cvetkovski, Stefan - Jorm, Anthony F. - Mackinnon, Andrew J. “Student Psychological Distress and Degree Dropout or Completion: a Discrete-time, Competing Risks Survival Analysis”. Higher Education Research & Development 37/3 (2018): 484-498.
  • Davidson, J. Cody - Wilson, Kristin B. “Community college student dropouts from higher education: Toward a comprehensive conceptual model”. Community College Journal of Research and Practice 41/8 (2017): 517-530.
  • Guri, Sarah. “Equality and excellence in higher education—Is it possible?”. Higher Education 15/1-2 (1986): 59-71.
  • Hamilton, Stephen F. “Raising Standards and Reducing Dropout Rates”. Teachers College Record 87/3 (1986): 410-429.
  • Jeno, Lucas M. - Danielsen, Anne G. - Raaheim, Arild. “A Prospective Investigation of Students’ Academic Achievement and Dropout in Higher Education: a Self-Determination Theory Approach”. Educational Psychology 38/9 (2018): 1163-1184.
  • Kahn, Jeffrey H. - Nauta, Margaret M. “Social-Cognitive Predictors of First-Year College Persistence: The Importance of Proximal Assessment”. Research in higher education 42/6 (2001): 633-652.
  • Kahu, Ella R. “Framing Student Engagement İn Higher Education”. Studies İn Higher Education 38/5 (2013): 758-773.
  • Klaveren, Chris van - Kooiman, Karen - Cornelisz, Ilja - Meeter, Martijn. “The Higher Education Enrollment Decision: Feedback on Expected Study Success and Updating Behavior”. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 12/1 (2019): 67-89.
  • Korkmaz, Mehmet. “İlahiyat Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Fakülteyi Tercih Nedenleri: Erciyes Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Örneği”. Bilimname 2010/1 (2010): 167-204.
  • Köse, İbrahim Alper. “Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Öğrenci Sadakati”. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 2/2 (2012): 114-118.
  • Köylü, Mustafa. “Türkiye’de Yüksek Din Öğretimi: Nicelik mi Nitelik mi?”. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 35/35 (2013): 21-44.
  • Lake, David. “Reducing Isolation for Distance Students: An On‐Line Initiative”. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 14/3 (1999): 14-23.
  • Leppel, Karen. “Similarities and Differences in The College Persistence of Men and Women”. The Review of Higher Education 25/4 (2002): 433-450.
  • Melguizo, Tatiana - Sanchez, Fabio - Velasco, Tatiana. “Credit for Low-income Students and Access to and Academic Performance in Higher Education in Colombia: A Regression Discontinuity Approach”. World development 80/1 (2016): 61-77.
  • Mercan, Çare Sertelin - Yıldız, S. Armağan. “Eğitim Fakültesi Birinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Üniversiteye Uyum Düzeylerinin Farklı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi”. HAYEF Journal of Education 8/2 (2011): 135-154.
  • Murdock, Tullisse A. “It isn’t Just Money: The Effects of Financial Aid on Student Persistence”. The Review of Higher Education 11/1 (1987): 75-101.
  • Nicoletti, Maria do Carmo. “Revisiting the Tinto’s Theoretical Dropout Model.” Higher Education Studies 9/3 (2019): 52-64.
  • Özen, Yener. “Kişisel Sorumluluk Bağlamında Kariyer Seçimini Etkileyen Sosyal Psikolojik Faktörler”. Eğitim ve İnsani Bilimler Dergisi: Teori ve Uygulama 3 (2011): 81-96.
  • Öztekin, Özge. Lise Öğrencilerinin Devamsızlık Nedenlerinin İncelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013.
  • Ramrathan, Labby. “Beyond Counting the Numbers: Shifting Higher Education Transformation into Curriculum Spaces”. Transformation in Higher Education 1/1 (2016): 1-8.
  • Rumberger, Russell W. Dropping Out. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2011.
  • Smart, John C. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. New York: Springer, 2008.
  • South, Scott J. - Haynie, Dana L. - Bose, Sunita. “Student Mobility and School Dropout”. Social Science Research 36/1 (2007): 68-94.
  • Steeg, Marc van der - Elk, Roel van - Webbink, Dinand. “Does intensive coaching reduce school dropout? Evidence from a randomized experiment”. Economics of Education Review 48 (2015): 184-197.
  • Şimşek, Hüseyin. “University Students’ Tendencies Toward and Reasons Behind Dropout”. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science 6/2 (2013): 242-271.
  • Tinto, Vincent. “Defining dropout: A matter of perspective”. New Directions for Institutional Research 1982/36 (1982): 3-15.
  • Tinto, Vincent. “Dropout from Higher Education: A Theoretical Synthesis of Recent Research”. Review of Educational Research 45/1 (1975): 89-125.
  • Trautwein, Caroline - Bosse, Elke. “The First Year in Higher Education—Critical Requirements from the Student Perspective”. Higher Education 73/3 (2017): 371-387.
  • Turan, Güngör. “Türkiye’de Yüksek Öğretim ve Ekonomik Büyüme”. Journal of Epoka University 5/2 (2016): 1-29.
  • Turan, İbrahim - Nazıroğlu, Bayramali. “İlahiyat Fakültesine Yeni Gelen Öğrencilerin Sorun ve Beklentileri: OMÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi Örneği”. Journal of International Social Research 8/36 (2015): 466-479.
  • Uysal, Ahmet. “Okulu Bırakma Sorunu Üzerine Tartışmalar: Çevresel Faktörler”. Milli Eğitim Dergisi. 178 (2008): 139-150.
  • Uysal, Doğan - Aydemir, Emel Ersun. “Türkiye’de Yükseköğretim Kavramı ve Yükseköğretimin İstihdam ve Ekonomiye Etkisinin Analizi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 35 (2016): 275-284.
  • Vagle, Mark D. Crafting Phenomenological Research. Routledge, 2018.
  • Whannell, Robert - Allen, William. “High School Dropouts Returning to Study: The Influence Of The Teacher And Family During Secondary School.” Australian Journal Of Teacher Education 36/9 (2011): 22-35.
  • Wilson, John D. Student Learning in Higher Education. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Yeh, Ching-Chiang - Hsu, Ching-Wen. “Mining the Student Dropout in Higher Education”. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 48/6 (2019): 1-13.

The School Dropout in Higher Religious Education

Yıl 2019, , 593 - 616, 31.12.2019


School dropout is a problem that can have important social, economic, psychological and cultural consequences for students and educational institutions. In this research, the problem of school dropout in higher religious education institutions was discussed and possible solution suggestions of students and lecturers were also included. The study group of the research, which was designed in a phenomenological way, assigned to 36 students studying in theology / Islamic Sciences Faculties of (Ankara, Marmara, İstanbul, Çukurova, Dicle, Uludağ, Atatürk, Muş Alparslan, Ondokuz Mayıs, and Dokuz Eylül Universities) in Turkey’s seven geographic regions in the fall semester of 2019-2020 academic year, and consisted of 11 lecturers worked in same faculties. The criterion sampling technique, one of the purposeful sampling methods, was used to determine the study group. According to the results of the study, the students prefer theology programs due to its employment opportunities and family orientation. In addition, dropout is common in the first years of the faculties. Students who drop out of school have low academic achievement and social cohesion in high school. Students drop out due to academic failure, adaptation problems to an academic and social environment, financial problems, health problems and problems related to belief conflicts. It is thought that this study, which strives to give a new and different discussion area to the religious education literature, will contribute to the field.


  • Aljohani, Othman. “A Comprehensive Review of the Major Studies and Theoretical Models of Student Retention in Higher Education”. Higher Education Studies 6/2 (2016): 1-18.
  • Baltacı, Ali. “Nitel Araştırmalarda Örnekleme Yöntemleri ve Örnek Hacmi Sorunsalı Üzerine Kavramsal Bir İnceleme”. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 7/1 (2018): 231–274.
  • Baltacı, Ali. “Nitel veri analizinde Miles-Huberman modeli”. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 3/1 (2017): 1-15.
  • Burke, Adam. “Student Retention Models in Higher Education: A Literature Review”. College and University 94/2 (2019): 12-21.
  • Bülbül, Tuncer. “Yükseköğretimde okul terki: Nedenler ve çözümler”. Eğitim ve Bilim 37/166 (2012): 219-235.
  • Cabus, Sofie J. - De Witte, Kristof. “Why Do Students Leave Education Early? Theory and Evidence on High School Dropout Rates”. Journal of Forecasting 35/8 (2016): 690-702.
  • Christle, Christine A. - Jolivette, Kristine - Nelson, C. Michael. “School Characteristics Related to High School Dropout Rates”. Remedial and Special education 28/6 (2007): 325-339.
  • Cvetkovski, Stefan - Jorm, Anthony F. - Mackinnon, Andrew J. “Student Psychological Distress and Degree Dropout or Completion: a Discrete-time, Competing Risks Survival Analysis”. Higher Education Research & Development 37/3 (2018): 484-498.
  • Davidson, J. Cody - Wilson, Kristin B. “Community college student dropouts from higher education: Toward a comprehensive conceptual model”. Community College Journal of Research and Practice 41/8 (2017): 517-530.
  • Guri, Sarah. “Equality and excellence in higher education—Is it possible?”. Higher Education 15/1-2 (1986): 59-71.
  • Hamilton, Stephen F. “Raising Standards and Reducing Dropout Rates”. Teachers College Record 87/3 (1986): 410-429.
  • Jeno, Lucas M. - Danielsen, Anne G. - Raaheim, Arild. “A Prospective Investigation of Students’ Academic Achievement and Dropout in Higher Education: a Self-Determination Theory Approach”. Educational Psychology 38/9 (2018): 1163-1184.
  • Kahn, Jeffrey H. - Nauta, Margaret M. “Social-Cognitive Predictors of First-Year College Persistence: The Importance of Proximal Assessment”. Research in higher education 42/6 (2001): 633-652.
  • Kahu, Ella R. “Framing Student Engagement İn Higher Education”. Studies İn Higher Education 38/5 (2013): 758-773.
  • Klaveren, Chris van - Kooiman, Karen - Cornelisz, Ilja - Meeter, Martijn. “The Higher Education Enrollment Decision: Feedback on Expected Study Success and Updating Behavior”. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 12/1 (2019): 67-89.
  • Korkmaz, Mehmet. “İlahiyat Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Fakülteyi Tercih Nedenleri: Erciyes Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Örneği”. Bilimname 2010/1 (2010): 167-204.
  • Köse, İbrahim Alper. “Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Öğrenci Sadakati”. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 2/2 (2012): 114-118.
  • Köylü, Mustafa. “Türkiye’de Yüksek Din Öğretimi: Nicelik mi Nitelik mi?”. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 35/35 (2013): 21-44.
  • Lake, David. “Reducing Isolation for Distance Students: An On‐Line Initiative”. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 14/3 (1999): 14-23.
  • Leppel, Karen. “Similarities and Differences in The College Persistence of Men and Women”. The Review of Higher Education 25/4 (2002): 433-450.
  • Melguizo, Tatiana - Sanchez, Fabio - Velasco, Tatiana. “Credit for Low-income Students and Access to and Academic Performance in Higher Education in Colombia: A Regression Discontinuity Approach”. World development 80/1 (2016): 61-77.
  • Mercan, Çare Sertelin - Yıldız, S. Armağan. “Eğitim Fakültesi Birinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Üniversiteye Uyum Düzeylerinin Farklı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi”. HAYEF Journal of Education 8/2 (2011): 135-154.
  • Murdock, Tullisse A. “It isn’t Just Money: The Effects of Financial Aid on Student Persistence”. The Review of Higher Education 11/1 (1987): 75-101.
  • Nicoletti, Maria do Carmo. “Revisiting the Tinto’s Theoretical Dropout Model.” Higher Education Studies 9/3 (2019): 52-64.
  • Özen, Yener. “Kişisel Sorumluluk Bağlamında Kariyer Seçimini Etkileyen Sosyal Psikolojik Faktörler”. Eğitim ve İnsani Bilimler Dergisi: Teori ve Uygulama 3 (2011): 81-96.
  • Öztekin, Özge. Lise Öğrencilerinin Devamsızlık Nedenlerinin İncelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013.
  • Ramrathan, Labby. “Beyond Counting the Numbers: Shifting Higher Education Transformation into Curriculum Spaces”. Transformation in Higher Education 1/1 (2016): 1-8.
  • Rumberger, Russell W. Dropping Out. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2011.
  • Smart, John C. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. New York: Springer, 2008.
  • South, Scott J. - Haynie, Dana L. - Bose, Sunita. “Student Mobility and School Dropout”. Social Science Research 36/1 (2007): 68-94.
  • Steeg, Marc van der - Elk, Roel van - Webbink, Dinand. “Does intensive coaching reduce school dropout? Evidence from a randomized experiment”. Economics of Education Review 48 (2015): 184-197.
  • Şimşek, Hüseyin. “University Students’ Tendencies Toward and Reasons Behind Dropout”. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science 6/2 (2013): 242-271.
  • Tinto, Vincent. “Defining dropout: A matter of perspective”. New Directions for Institutional Research 1982/36 (1982): 3-15.
  • Tinto, Vincent. “Dropout from Higher Education: A Theoretical Synthesis of Recent Research”. Review of Educational Research 45/1 (1975): 89-125.
  • Trautwein, Caroline - Bosse, Elke. “The First Year in Higher Education—Critical Requirements from the Student Perspective”. Higher Education 73/3 (2017): 371-387.
  • Turan, Güngör. “Türkiye’de Yüksek Öğretim ve Ekonomik Büyüme”. Journal of Epoka University 5/2 (2016): 1-29.
  • Turan, İbrahim - Nazıroğlu, Bayramali. “İlahiyat Fakültesine Yeni Gelen Öğrencilerin Sorun ve Beklentileri: OMÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi Örneği”. Journal of International Social Research 8/36 (2015): 466-479.
  • Uysal, Ahmet. “Okulu Bırakma Sorunu Üzerine Tartışmalar: Çevresel Faktörler”. Milli Eğitim Dergisi. 178 (2008): 139-150.
  • Uysal, Doğan - Aydemir, Emel Ersun. “Türkiye’de Yükseköğretim Kavramı ve Yükseköğretimin İstihdam ve Ekonomiye Etkisinin Analizi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 35 (2016): 275-284.
  • Vagle, Mark D. Crafting Phenomenological Research. Routledge, 2018.
  • Whannell, Robert - Allen, William. “High School Dropouts Returning to Study: The Influence Of The Teacher And Family During Secondary School.” Australian Journal Of Teacher Education 36/9 (2011): 22-35.
  • Wilson, John D. Student Learning in Higher Education. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Yeh, Ching-Chiang - Hsu, Ching-Wen. “Mining the Student Dropout in Higher Education”. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 48/6 (2019): 1-13.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Din Araştırmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ali Baltacı 0000-0003-2550-8698

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Kabul Tarihi 12 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Baltacı, Ali. “Yüksek Din Öğretiminde Okul Terki”. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi 19/2 (Aralık 2019), 593-616.