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Year 2006,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 117 - 131, 30.09.2006
The issues of place and quality of religious education in schools have been received more attention in the world in recent years. After providing a general theoretical framework for later discussion and a brief knowledge pertaining to religious education in Turkey this article aims to explore the attitudes of adolescents in secondary school to traditional and modern religious education in terms of the empirical research findings which is a part of international research Project entitled "Religion and Life Perspective Among Adolescent". The responses of the subjects according to the variables of sex and type of school have also been examined. The research findings indicated that Turkish respondents have a positive attitude about traditional and modern of aims of religious education in schools. This result supports the assumption that Turkish religious education in school is a transition period from confessional/traditional to modern. Moreover, some differences have been observed in terms of variables of sex and type of schools.
Akyüz, Y. (1989) Türk Egitim Tarihi, Ankara.
Ayhan, H. Türkiye’de Din Eğitimi, İstanbul: M.Ü. İFAV Yayınları, 1999.
Coulson, A. (2004) Education and Indoctrination in the Muslim World? Is There is a Problem? What can We do About It?, Policy Analysis, no. 511.
Fearn, M, Ziebertz, H. & Pasierbek, W. (2004). “Perception of Religious Education Among Polish and German Youth People: an Emprical Perspective”, (eds) R. Larsson ve C. Gustavsson, Towards a European Perspective on Religious Education, Skelleftea: Artos & Norma bokförlag (Danmark).
Fearn, M. (2002). A Socio-psychological profile of subject perceptions of A-level Religious Studies Students, Unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Wales, Bangor.
Francis, L. & Lewis, J.M. (1996). “Who wants RE? A socio-psychological profile of adolescent support for religious education”, (eds) J. Astley & L. Francis, Christian Theology and Religious Education: Connections and Contradictions, London: SPCK.
Jackson, R. (2006) “European Institutions and the Contribution of Studies of Religious Diversity to Education for Democratic Citizenship”, The Fifteen Session of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, 30 Temmuz- 4 Agustos 2006, Driebergen, Hollanda.
Kaymakcan, R. (2006a). “Religious Education Culture in Modern Turkey”, (eds) M. De Souza vd., International Handbook of the Religious, Spiritual and Moral Dimensions in Education, Secaucus: Springer.
Kaymakcan, R. (2006b). Yeni Ortaöğretim Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretim Programı İnceleme ve Değerlendirme Raporu (Sabancı Üniversitesi Eğitim Reform Girişimi, Yayınlanmamış Rapor, 47 sayfa), İstanbul.
Kodelja, Z. & T. Bassler. ( 2004). Religion and Schooling in Open Society, A Framework for Informed Dialogue, Ljubljana (Slovenya): Open Society Institute.
Koştaş, M. (1995). Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Dine Bakış, Ankara: TDV Yayınları.
Kula, N. (2001). Kimlik ve Din, Ergenler Üzerine Bir Araştırma, İstanbul: Ayışığı Kitapları.
MEB (1992) “Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Müfredat Programı”, Tebligler Dergisi, 13 Nisan, Ankara.
Mehmedoğlu, A.U. (2004) Kişilik ve Din, İstanbul: DEM Yayınları.
Onay, A. (2004). Dindarlık Etkileşim ve Değişim, İstanbul: DEM Yayınları.
Rogan, E. L. (1996) ‘Asiret Mektebleri: Abdulhamid II’s School For Tribe (1892-1907)’ in International Journal of Middle East Studies, vol. 24, pp. 83-107.
UNESCO (2003). Education and Religion: The Paths of Tolerance, Prospects, Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, (33:2).
Kaymakcan, Recep. “Türk Gençlerinin Din Eğitimi Algılaması”. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi 6/2 (September 2006), 117-131. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3343725.