- The articles to be submitted to Marife Turkish Journal of Religious Studies must be written in Microsoft Word and uploaded on the website http://marife.org/en/ along with the title page and Ethical Statement & Copyright Release Form. The name/names of the author should not be included in the Main Document, due to the double-blind referee ethics. All information about the author/authors should be included on the title page. Click to access the guide for the peer review system for the article upload process.
- The articles to be submitted to Marife Turkish Journal of Religious Studies must be prepared using the reference management software (Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley, Citavi). Articles prepared without using a reference management software do not proceed to the scientific evaluation process.
- Articles should be in the range of 3000-9000 words, it should not be longer than twenty-five (25) pages including the bibliography and appendix such as pictures, charts and maps. Texts should be written via Microsoft Office Word with 10-point Cambria font with 12,5 nk space. Paragraphs should be justified. Margins should be; top 2.25, right 2, left 2, and bottom 1.5 cm.
- Footnotes should be written with 8-point Cambria font with 1 nk space and justified.
- The title of the article should be in Turkish and English.
- Around 500-600 words summary of the articles and English translation of the summary should be submitted for the Turkish articles. Turkish and English abstracts should be submitted for foreign language articles.
- There should be keywords consisting of five both in Turkish and English.
- The original title of a translated article and its bibliographic information should be stated with a footnote attached to the main title.
- The editor has got the right to do minor changes in terms of spelling etc. The spelling book of the Turkish Language Council should be the main reference for spelling and punctuation unless there are special situations of the article.
- The author should be consistent in using diacritical letters and words with transcripts.
- Under the title of the article, there should not be information about the name of the author, his/her institution, phone number and email address etc. Since the system administrator can already see the author of an article, the information about the author will be added to the article after the referee process. Thus, while adding an article to the system, the authors must be sure that there is no information about him/her. This is especially important for the referees who will examine the article to work independently.
- Author Guidliness should be examined in advance to prepare the manuscripts in accordance with journal’s writing rules and it should be used Microsoft Word Article Template file.
- The names of individuals, works and terminology should be written in accordance with the article titles and spelling rules in the Turkish Religious Foundation Encyclopaedia of Islam.
- There should be a bibliography at the end of the manuscript.
- Marife requires writers to use The ISNAD Citation Style. Further information can be found on its web page http://www.isnadsistemi.org/en/.
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