e-ISSN: 2630-5550
Founded: 2001
Publisher: Yediveren Kitap
Cover Image
  • Marife Turkish Journal of Religious Studies (Marife) is a scientific, academic, and peer-reviewed journal in the field of religious studies.
  • Marife publishes twice a year on June 30 and December 30. Article acceptance dates for the June issue are January 15 - April 1 and for the December issue are July 15 -  October 15.
  • The publication language of Marife Turkish Journal of Religious Studies is Turkish and English. 
  • All articles in the journal include Turkish and English titles, around 500-600 words of English and Turkish abstracts, English and Turkish keywords (at least five concepts) and a bibliography prepared in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System.
  • "Microsoft Word Article Template" should be used in the articles submitted to Marife and the "Title Page" must be uploaded on the website by the author during the article submission in addition to the "Ethical Statement & Copyright Release Form", Please click here for a video on how to use the article template.  
  • The articles submitted to Marife Turkish Journal of Religious Studies must be prepared using reference management software (Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley, Citavi). Articles, whose citations and bibliography created a reference management software will not proceed to the scientific evaluation process.
  • Marife Turkish Journal of Religious Studies is indexed by TR Index, Atla Religion Database, DOAJ and SOBIAD.

2024 - Volume: 24 Issue: 1